About Us

Setting up decorations is a lot of work and busy people like you may not have the time, energy, or even desire to do it. That’s where we come in as the luxury event specialist and serve you. Let us take the time and creative energy setting up the ideal experience for your event. Your event décor is our art and opportunity to impact the setting, which is key to establishing the event mood. So let us make it easy for you on your big day, because the real luxury we have is time and you should spending more time with your loved ones’ instead.

Our Story

How did we get started? Well, imagine a stale and repetitive relationship. We got into a boring routine of work, watching tv, sleep, and eating that did not build us up as newly weds. Eventually our Marriage became difficult and we grew apart. With faith and prayer we learned to get in alignment and we realized, that if we were to have a happier and successful marriage we needed to fill our “love tank.” To bring more adventure into our lives we chased after new and exotic experiences. And the moment we realized how beneficial picnics could help us build intimacy, bond, and focus without distraction; We knew we had to get on a mission to serve others and help save other marriages and other relationships. We hope our luxury picnics and events can be stepping stone to growing your relationships!

With Love & Honor,

Donovan And Linda, Owners


9am – 7pm: Tuesday - Friday
9am – 7pm: Saturday/Sunday
Closed Monday

Milwaukee, WI